iPlay 60 mini Turbo
iPlay 60 Pad Pro
iPlay 60 Pro
iPlay 60 mini Pro
GTBook 15 Gen2
GTBook 14 Gen2
GTBook 13 Plus
iWork GT 12
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Global - Engilsh
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الشرق الأوسط - عربي
Birthday: 1998-01-01
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Join time: 2024-05-12
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"The issue is this: A mouse connected to the [Alldocube] Android 13 device will function correctly and as expected within the Android OS and within Android apps - except WHILE streaming any Windows environment or mouse-controlled device or application. At which point, mouse movement sent from the client device (the [Alldocube] Android 13 device) to the host device (Windows PCs / GeForce Now servers) will be incorrect, with X/Y axis being swapped. That, in turn, makes any connected mouse completely unusable when streaming desktop or games, thereby rendering many important applications unusable. As it stands, [Alldocube] devices running [Alldocube]'s Android 13 build cannot be comfortably used to stream Windows PCs or any mouse-controlled host device, because of it."
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