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iPlay 40 firmware updates and Widevine certification Technical Discussion
Totally agree. The support is unavailable, haven’t received my answer at all. Mine iplay40 is unstable, constantly restarting, crashing and nothing could help.
iplay40 is unstable in gameplay General Discussion
I got the iplay40 for 3 months and I lost my hope that this tablet will be fixed. The support is not available, no answer through emails. Tablet’s system freezes and reboots constantly not only when playing games but when surfing the internet and etc. What is more interesting, I left 1 star review on platform where I bought it (banggood) and it never showed up, they show only positive reviews which is fake. For anyone who is thinking about buying this tablet – don’t do it. Waste of money, the most unstable system I have ever seen.
Alldocube iplay 20 restarts constantly Technical Discussion
febigan, I would be very pleased and thankful if you will share the information and firmware with me. My email is:
Alldocube iplay 20 restarts constantly Technical Discussion
Changing default launcher didn’t work for me. Tried several different lauchers, but problem persists. The tablet keeps crashing and rebooting constantly when swithing apps or only surfing the web… Tried writing support – no answer for weeks. I do not recommend buying this tablet anyone, it is unusable waste of money without any support.
Alldocube iplay 20 restarts constantly Technical Discussion
I got the same problem with my iplay 40. Keeps restarting many times when using various apps. Any ideas how to fix it? Haven’t found any solutions on internet…
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