Alldocube KNote X Pro charger and drivers
Technical Discussion
after, 7 days , no replay from allcube…no suport. very good 🙁 it just sell…sell..sell … after sell dont give a s*** to the buyers, this is what will kill chinese seles.. you will never upgrato to the next level. only wll stay in copy cat ….
new buyers, think well before. good luck.
Alldocube KNote X Pro charger and drivers
Technical Discussion
Well 12v 2A, is working very very warm, and making oscilating sound because its working 100%, if it burn out, probality off killing PC is very high, i already see that happen(otther machines) often. if used 1 time…it will do the job, but to used in day to day… i will not a some de risk. just to hat something: chinese quality is a problem some parts is a surprise, only after open we can make some kind of idea, how good or bad it will be, running at 100% is not good in any product. at least keep 25% power of marging.
drivers and usb-c, nobody can give some lights from this??
thanks win2tabless to the replay