iPlay 20 Pro – OTG USB hub issue?
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So basically you need:
A) a USB keyboard
B) working power socket to charge the tablet
The easiest solution that comes to my mind is to just use a bluetooth keyboard and plug the USB-C directly to the iPlay.
I’ve got a bluetooth keyboard and it’s pretty reliable with all of my devices. You can use a bt mouse together with it and get a totally wireless setup, which is nice and clean.
If you absolutely need a USB keyboard then sorry, but anything that resembles a Hub seems not to work on this device.
Anyways, I did a test for you. I have a USB otg thingy with a USB-A port and a micro-USB power pass-through lying around.
I just tested it with 1) one USB-C to micro-USB adaptor as a middle man, 2) a micro-USB Power cable from the otg adapter to the wall socket and 3) a USB keyboard in the USB-A adaptor socket to see if this setup might work, but it didn’t. There was no answer at all. In fact, it just killed my USB port entirely until I rebooted the tablet.
Maybe it’s just this adapter, maybe some other USB pass-through adapter would work, but I wouldn’t bet on it.
If your only need is a keyboard, I’d say go for a bluetooth keyboard. You’ve got a nice solution right in front of you. Batteries last a long time and you can even use rechargeables if you do many hours of typing a day, i.e. coding.
iPlay 20 Pro – OTG USB hub issue?
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I’m leaving an update for whomever may need this information in the future: the USB-C to micro-USB adapter arrived, so I used it to connect the iPlay 20 Pro to my Y-split Ethernet/micro-USB cable and… it works!
I’m able to connect the tablet to the internet via Ethernet cable and charge it at the same time, which is all I needed. I tried to watch some content and, while the charge is slow, it’s definitely enough to keep the tablet from discharging while in use. Surely 1A at most, but it suits my needs.
So, even if a full USB hub isn’t supported, the adapter+Y cable does work and at the end of the day I’m be able to use the Alldocube iPlay 20 Pro for its intended use, a media consumption/kitchen TV device. Made me bang my head against the wall for a while, but after all it was a great buy for the price!
USB-C to USB-micro adapter:
Y-split cable for Ethernet+power:
iPlay 20 Pro – OTG USB hub issue?
General Discussion
I just updated to the last firmware update (T1011S_V1.0_20201208) via OTA.
OTG USB hub still not working, though.
It seems like it was a mere Android security patches update.
iPlay 20 Pro – OTG USB hub issue?
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For a single device, such as a standard USB keyboard, a simple OTG cable USB-C to USB-A such as the one in the picture will do.
How to change PIN to pattern unlock method in iplay20 pro
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Go to Settings, Security, Lock Screen, then choose your favorite unlock method. The pattern unlock should be the third one from the top.
iPlay 20 Pro – OTG USB hub issue?
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Yes, a new firmware with a simple kernel update unlocking multiple OTG devices is much needed at this point. Let’s hope Alldocube reads us and delivers.
I ordered a micro USB/USB C adapter to see if at least my Ethernet/micro USB external power Y split cable works, I need both for the media center scope I bought the 20 Pro for…
My hopes aren’t very high but at least powering, if not the tablet itself, the Ethernet adapter externally would be something.
The alternative to the official firmware update would be a brick-proof, tried and tested guide to unlock+root and flash a new kernel.
iPlay 20 Pro – OTG USB hub issue?
General Discussion
Same issue. I bought a USB hub to connect the tablet via ethernet and charge it with a USB-C cable going up to the hub at the same time, all of which works perfectly fine on my phone but doesn’t on the iPlay 20 Pro. Bummer. I think at this point I’ll get a straight USB-C to USB-A cable and see if I can cascade a simple USB-A hub. Have you tried to do that?
Only once I was able to somehow have a hub-connected 8gb USB stick detected, light blinking and drive shown in the file manager but it didn’t last more than two seconds before turning off and I haven’t been able to reproduce it since.
iPlay20 tablet – few solutions for some problems:
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Wow, I registered just to thank you for bothering to tell us. The missing gestures really were a nuisance. Much appreciated.
I’m using an open-source lawnchair-derivative launcher called lawndesk on this tablet; some non-critical bugs (like search icon slightly misaligned with letters in its own search) but nice customization and functionality overall. It’s now a week and it’s been going smoothly.