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iPlay 40 working OK (?) – looking for good experiences General Discussion
So you used the Spreadtrum Flash tool to reinstall the firmware with pc????? This fixes the restart issue. I ran into this issue while trying to solve the overheating…guess I kinda bricked it….ended up with it restarting continuously. But fixed it with the flash tool. But since you say you’ve done it twice….then I don’t know…
iPlay 40 working OK (?) – looking for good experiences General Discussion
It’s a semi simple fix…look on YouTube on how to reinstall the rom by downloading the firmware from alldocube website. But yeah I had issues too, it would get hot and turn off. But I fixed.
Overheating issue and cannot update iPlay40 Technical Discussion
The back is held on by glue and is pretty thin….it’s does not snap into place. Look on Google for a picture of the tablet taken apart for reference and locate cpu…..then just buy some thermal tape and place a long strip on the inside of the back over that will sit directly over the cpu, then glue it back together. Don’t bother with Bangood….their customer service is terrible and will get u nowhere.
Overheating issue and cannot update iPlay40 Technical Discussion
I have the same problem….but I found the solution and fixed mine. All I did was add some thermal tape to the inside of the back cover (over the cpu) and now I get better temperatures. It no longer turns off.  
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