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Received new Alldocube iplay 50..
2023-10-14 06:51:01
Replies: 2 | Views 1254 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

..but after turning it on, then connecting to my Wifi, it won’t let me get passed connecting to my Mobile Network.  I do not have any plan to use this as a phone, and do not want to connect it to my T-Mobile.

How do I bypass this “connect to mobile network”?


Thank you for any help.

2023-10-14 15:43:44

If Android enters the system initialization settings for the first time to connect to the network, you can change to other wifi connections. As long as you can pass the Google verification server after connecting to the network normally, you can continue.

2023-10-14 19:25:41

Thank you Win2,

I got it to go back to startup then I made sure I got the “skip” button pressed and it worked for me.  I wanted a manual download, but couldn’t get it downloaded on my PC, I’ll try again to get one.  I have a good wifi connection, no issues with that end.

Thank you again, Denise PS I am getting a pink error code on your site that says “Failed to load plugin” some sort of image I’ll put a snip of it. Anything I can do about that?

failed to get plugin


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