Home Page Forums Technical Discussion L1 Widevine support Netflix, YouTube on Alldocube iPlay 50 Mini

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L1 Widevine support Netflix, YouTube on Alldocube iPlay 50 Mini
2023-06-12 22:24:25
Replies: 3 | Views 6550 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1


First of all, I’m really disappointed with Alldocube support. I asked them about Netflix 1080p and YouTube 1080p issue last week but nobody answered.

Problem: Why Netflix is only in SD and YouTube is max 720p?

Alldocube iPlay 50 Mini is Widevine L1 – screen from DRM info app.Screenshot_20230612-162200Screenshot_20230612-162139Screenshot_20230612-162234

Alldocube is advertising this devices as L1 HD video stream machine which is not. I’m using latest firmware from June.

2023-06-18 02:38:55

I have the same problem.Please Alldocube do something!

2023-06-30 09:30:05

Due to certification issues, iplay50 mini does not support Netflix L1.
Support HD video from youtube, disney, hulu, amazon prime video.
As for the problem that the youtube app only has a resolution of 720p, first check whether all the videos are at the highest 720p, and then check whether the same video can be viewed at 1080p with the chrome browser

2023-10-25 15:33:26

<span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><span style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>私のminiはDRMinfoでWIDEVINE L3になります。どこが面白いですか。</span></span>


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