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iwork10 keyboard Problem
2018-11-30 06:01:54
Replies: 4 | Views 4422 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Randomly the keyboard started connecting and disconnecting and wont stop. Nothing harmed the device, For some reason over time the tablet and keyboard are getting messed up. does anyone know how to fix this issue? The way you move the tablet up and down the keyboard is horrible, it feels like its going to break and its not secured in place, noting harmed the device.

M López
2018-12-03 01:51:54

I have the same problem, I´ll be very attent to this post

2018-12-03 10:44:44

so,is keyboard normal in android os? or when you power on the tablet ,press esc button,can turn the tablet into


M López
2018-12-12 04:58:34

In my case, if I press esc button when power the tablet the tablet don´t turn into bios


2018-12-17 10:00:15

Quote #4F by @M López:

In my case, if I press esc button when power the tablet the tablet don´t turn into bios  

so ,that’s keyboard problem,please contact the selller for after-sell service.

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