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Do NOT Buy Anything From Alldocube!
2023-02-23 10:09:26
Replies: 0 | Views 3751 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

If you are thinking about buying anything from this company, stay AWAY. This company’s products are garbage and they are a complete FRAUD.


I purchased an IPlay 50 less than two months ago; have used it MAYBE five times. About a week or two ago, the device was bricked by a software update from the company! First it went to a boot loop for 1-2 days, then it refused to even turn on anymore! After one employee was nice and admitted there have been several issues with the device, the next day someone else started messaging me telling me I need to pay to ship the device back to China, and telling me all these things to try with the device (I have tried it ALL), and now ignoring me. Has anyone experienced these same issues?


This is the second poor quality device I bought from the company. One year ago, I purchased the KPad, and it did not have the parts that it was supposed to (will only go up to 100mbps download); back then, someone (who is no longer with the company) tried to make it right, sending me a cheap device as a ‘payback’ (in exchange for positive review of it on Amazon).


This company needs to go out of business; at minimum, it should not be allowed to sell products in the US. I have reached out to Amazon and AliExpress; but in the meantime, if I can prevent at least one person from allowing this company to steal their money, well then I’ve done some good.


If you are debating whether to buy one of their products, well – do yourself a favor, spend a little more money and get an actual quality device. I wish I did. You will be happy you saved yourself the time and money in the long run.

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