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GT Book 13 SSD cloning
2023-01-21 15:15:57
Replies: 2 | Views 972 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Does anyone sucsessfully moved Windows 11 from stock SSD to larger?
I buyed 1Tb Netac but I can’t clone disk. I tryed standard and “byte-to-byte” and backup/restore cloning. The trouble number one is BSOD after power on. Problem with system boot. If I repair BCD boot the system is started but not worked some programs like a PowerShell, mmc and others. I found out the problem is with it’s config files. This files looks corrupted. If I copy it from stock Windows 11 these programs works correctly. But I don’t know how many problems are hidden.
I used NIUBI Partition Editor and AOMEI Backupper for cloning. And USB ngff adapter. Also I used external HDD for backup/restore. Each time I had same result.
Did anyone khow how to clone system disk on this device?

2023-01-29 15:11:22

You can use the dism command or other tools such as dism++ to back up the C disk file of the original hard disk into a wim file, and then create a gpt partition (including at least one efi partition and a c disk system partition) on the replaced ssd, and then use winntsetup or the like The tool restores the wim file to the created c disk system partition, and the efi partition establishes a boot

2023-04-03 17:03:14

Thank you for answer!
Some time ago Windows 11 on my GT Book was updated to 22H2. And I did sucssessfully cloned it to 1Tb SSD with bootable Acronis.

Now it looks like working fine.

I think something was wrong in stock Alldocube’s distributive.

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