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Iwork20 (i1022DP) SSD UPGRADE
2022-12-16 02:31:21
Replies: 2 | Views 1348 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Dear Community,

Your help please.

I tried to install an NVME SSD in my Iwork 20 unit, but, the SSD connector connected to the mother board via the IP3_XP2_101H_SSD_FPC_V30_200622A ribbon cable is, probably installed inverted and my SSD disk need to be installed inverted too, when I tried to turn on the unit, a transistor located at left of the pin number 1 (of the SSD Ribbon connector on board)just heat and be deformed, I´m not sure about the rigth part number of this transistor I can see clearly a “M0_” I´m not sure about the last number, I remove battery connector and remove the SSD drive and turn again Iwork 20, it run normally but I´m just wondering what could be wrong in my device, why I can´t to install an nvme disk drive and get more spcace and speed …

Also, any body known where can I found the right windows Image for my device? Thanks!

Again, your help please…


2022-12-16 02:56:37

I think, my issue is I tried to install an M.2 NVME and unit support M.2 SATA, let me check and update my post…


2023-09-25 11:30:08


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