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iplay 40 pro charging board spare
2022-12-14 01:32:46
Replies: 4 | Views 2132 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 2

My son managed to kill the USB C connector.

I replaced it once. But its broken again.

The easiest solution would be to change the complete charging board.

But I do not find a shop where to buy it.


Anyone an idea ?


Best Regards

2022-12-14 08:45:33

You could try AliExpress, but failing that there’s no chance. No manufacturer supplies replacement circuit board parts for their Tablets.

2022-12-17 06:10:12

I tried Ali. But i didnt found any spares.

And its completely wrong that non manufacturer supplies replacements for tablets.

I already changed many parts including charging boards on diffrend divices.

But it seems alldocube does not provide any spares.

If I would have known this I wouldnt have purchased an alldocube.

The divice is great as long as it works.

Do you have a problem, and an USB connector is a very common problem in any devices, you have trash,

I will not recommend to buy any alldocube products.

2024-01-16 16:39:27

I have the same problem….Is it possible to get somewhere the USB-C Charger bord connector??


The tablet works great if it works and this is the only problem.


If there is no spare parts i will have to think twice before i will buy something else from ALLDOCUBE.


Thank you for the answer!

2024-01-18 01:22:20

No spares available. Alldocube is a bad choice.

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