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Stopping an ISP From Bandwidth Throttling an LTE 4G SIM Card in a Kpad Tablet.
2022-09-18 10:29:24
Replies: 0 | Views 926 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Hi guys

Having finally managed to get an LTE 4G SIM card to work on my Kpad tablet (by configuring APN settings), my ISP is bandwidth Throttling the connection after a few minutes of use, to 4 Mbps down. Turning the SIM card off and back on will rest and cure the issue – but not for long. This doesn’t happen if I put the exact same card into my Redmi Note 10 Pro mobile phone. That connects and runs at  full speed without any speed limitations, to an average download of 50 Mbps. Both devices have 4 bars of strong signal.

Anyone have any ideas why this is, and how to stop it?

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