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Lost WLAN Connection
2022-09-15 23:28:40
Replies: 2 | Views 1079 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Hello, my iplay 40H loses the wifi connection every 2-3 minutes or when changing location by 1 meter. Does anyone have a solution for that problem?  Does the new system update help? Does anyone know someone in Berlin who could perform a system update?

2022-09-22 09:06:53

Is the wifi connection signal good? Do you have the same problem with other wifi connections?

2022-09-22 13:43:47

Signal is very good. Notebook, mobile, tablet work in the same wlan, stable and fast. The iplay shows the same dropouts on 2.4G and 5G band. Tried all tips in this forum, tested every setting. result the same. Alldocube tells me through the retailer that it’s just “a minor incompatibility”. A tablet without an internet connection that you cannot work with is useless. Never again from this company or from a China shop.

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