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I lost some of drivers of Alldocube Winbox
2022-09-04 14:38:58
Replies: 1 | Views 1669 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

I lost some of drivers of Alldocube Winbox (and got most of them working with drivers from Windows update) but I don’t know which ones are still missing.

The devices without drivers are shown as PCI communication something.

There is no public drivers release on official site (Why?)

Could anyone share the driver backup for the Winbox?

2022-09-05 18:50:05

Update to my own post:

Technician from my local store suggested using “Driver Booster 8” (3rd party software).

Missing drivers are now solved but it’s so shameful that the official site does not release drivers for own products.

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