Home Page Forums Technical Discussion Iplay 40 Touchscreen not working

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Iplay 40 Touchscreen not working
2022-08-27 17:58:15
Replies: 1 | Views 1622 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1


I have a iplay40 and since more than 2 months now the touchscreen doesn’t work, I formated the tablet ,re-installed the firmware, made a clean installation from the apps and sometimes it would work for a couple of hours and then stop again. Now since some weeks it doesn’t work at all, I already flashed the firmware several times and nothing… Maybe the flash with configuration data for the touchscreen got corrupted? I start to think that it could be an hardware issue and the touchscreen is simply gone bad… Anyone can help?

2022-09-12 11:34:23

The last 3 tablets I’ve owned, all ended up being thrown away with dead touchscreens. It’s a very common problem… and usually not worth the time and expense changing. Sorry if my reply hasn’t really helped!

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