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Mini pc superbox alldocube need help
2022-06-07 23:53:42
Replies: 2 | Views 1550 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

After reinstall windows10 on mini pc superbox. How to find all drivers with exe and msi. I can backup only infs drivers but not exe and msi drivers. Help please

2022-06-10 09:35:51

For inf driver, you can use the dism command or tools such as dism++ to import, or enter the Windows system device manager and right-click on the device in question to browse and install the driver

2022-06-10 09:54:58

Quote #2F by @win2tabless:

For inf driver, you can use the dism command or tools such as dism++ to import, or enter the Windows system device manager and right-click on the device in question to browse and install the driver

Thanks for answer but i know this.what i still have problem is exe files and MSI files .bluetooth etc .thanks

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