Home Page Forums Technical Discussion kPad (T1026) Bootloader Unlock


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kPad (T1026) Bootloader Unlock
2022-04-02 02:08:16
Replies: 3 | Views 2305 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 2

Trying to unlock the bootloader, neither command seems to work:

C:\>fastboot flashing unlock
FAILED (remote: 'unknown cmd.')


C:\>fastboot oem unlock
FAILED (remote: 'Unlock bootloader fail.')

So obviously the second command is the correct command, but why does it fail? Other than the “OEM Unlocking” setting being enabled, what else needs to be done?

2022-04-03 15:16:53

(In android 5.1, idk for newer versions)

In Developer’s options,

OEM unlock,

Allow bootloader unlock.

Then, your “fastboot oem unlock” should work

2022-04-03 15:19:29

Quote #2F by @balek:

(In android 5.1, idk for newer versions) In Developer's options, OEM unlock, Allow bootloader unlock. Then, your "fastboot oem unlock" should work

Sorry, I had’nt seen “Other than the “OEM Unlocking” setting being enabled”

2022-04-04 03:13:30

Yeah, thanks! 🙂  Even with that checked, get the errors listed above.

Was planning on using it for development work, test my apps on different ROMs/Android revisions, but without being able to open the bootloader, can’t. Unless I can find a way in the next few days, will be returning it to Amazon, sadly.

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