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Seems IPlay20s also suffers from Mesh network bug
2022-02-03 18:20:55
Replies: 2 | Views 1320 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 0

As described by multiple other customers who bought the Iplay40 and have random disconnects when the tablet is connected to Mesh network with multiple AP, I can confirm I see the exact same behaviour on the IPlay 20S.

This is serious bug which makes the tablet kind of useless when in a Mesh environment.
I also installed the latest firmware and the issue is still present in V1.0_20211225

2022-02-09 13:49:21

Can you tell me the specific model and environment of the router used by your mesh network?

2022-02-11 21:59:32

I reported this issue when the iplay40 pro first came out.


My mesh at home is tplink deco m9 plus

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