Home Page Forums General Discussion Tablet lPlay 20s – Cannot install update – Auto rotate dock problem

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Tablet lPlay 20s – Cannot install update – Auto rotate dock problem
2022-01-01 15:19:42
Replies: 2 | Views 1494 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Hello, I have 2 problems with this brand new tablet. Maybe someone could help me.
1) System update is downloaded but never install. Just freeze the screen when installing
2) Auto-rotate does not work properly. When moving the tablet from vertical to horizontal, the dock move to the right of the screen !!

Thank you

2022-01-04 15:01:57

Alldocube iPlay20S(T1021) firmware download

This page can download the latest firmware of iplay20s, check the buid number of the tablet android os, if it is not the latest, you can download the firmware through the above web page, and update the system to the latest version through the data cable

2022-01-04 15:23:18

Quote #2F by @win2tabless:

https://www.alldocube.com/en/firmware/alldocube-iplay20st1021-firmware-download/ This page can download the latest firmware of iplay20s, check the buid number of the tablet android os, if it is not the latest, you can download the firmware through the above web page, and update the system to…

Thank you… Of course, i tried before posting.
The problem is not to get the firmware. It is to install it. It downloads, but freeze on installing !!!


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