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Alldocube x game
2021-12-23 02:32:36
Replies: 3 | Views 2163 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Hello, i bought magnetic keyboard for x game. I have problem. Does not work key “u”. In other languages this key works, but does not work .

Does anyone have simillar problem?

2022-02-09 02:12:27

Yes my keyboard came today and the U key doesnt work. So it doesnt work if you set it to UK I might try USA then.


Update, I upgraded to the latest firmware and U key works fine now.

2022-02-09 13:43:42

please try to turn off the double-tap to wake the screen function in Settings – System – Gestures to see if the problem disappears. We will fix this bug in the subsequent firmware update.

2022-04-17 22:32:58

I bought a magnetic keyboard for Alldocube X Game. There is no right Alt key in it. How can I type Polish characters such when I typing with right Alt key on a normal keyboard?

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