Home Page Forums Technical Discussion iPlay 40 Reboot loop after Firmware Update

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iPlay 40 Reboot loop after Firmware Update
2021-12-18 01:42:35
Replies: 2 | Views 3036 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

As the OTA firmware update didn’t work for my iPlay 40 (T1020S) I accidentially installed the T1020H firmware from the alldocube website, and the update worked seamlessly. The result was my tablet hanging in a boot loop. I managed to downgrade to a T1020S firmware (tried all of them), but had to disable the NV_LTE module from updating as that always failed with an error ([UB1132]Operation failed). Now I have an iPlay 40 that starts well into Android, connects to Wifi, etc., but reboots every 1,5 minutes. Is there any way of doing a clean firmware update or other way of getting this fixed?

2022-01-02 16:05:44

You probably can restore the tablet using the spd factory tool. You can download here: https://androidmtk.com/download-spd-factory-tool

2022-01-02 21:54:46

Incredible, that worked right away!


The tablet works again and shows its IMEIs correctly. I’m wondering how to tell alldocube to use that tool instead of the “ResearchDownloader” linked on the firmware web page to avoid this for others.


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