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Alldocube iPlay 40 pro problem GPS
2021-11-22 16:59:53
Replies: 6 | Views 2749 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 3

Good day.  I bought an Alldocube iPlay 40 pro tablet and I want to use it as a gps navigation.  But I have a problem!  Navigation works for a while and after a while there is a problem with gps fixation: – / …. I download the gps diagnostic program and it shows me satellites but the same problem with fixation.  Can someone please solve my problem?

2021-12-26 16:52:33

Maybe you can try this:



2022-02-01 15:20:22


Same problem here: GPS starts working for a while, then it suddenly stops receiving any signal: no more updates on satellites info, no more GPS fix.

Even the solution TimSalabim gave doesn’t work.

Matanew did you manage to have it working again?

2022-02-11 06:28:48

Nous attendons une réponse du support !!!!

Cette tablette et fonctionne pas et ils doivent intervenir sinon il vous faut la rembourser !!!


2022-02-12 23:01:01

merci de faire votre travail convenablement !!!
la version en ligne reste la T1020H_V1.0_20210909 au lieu de 20210911 comme annoncée !!
donc pour l instant aucune correction de bug, que ce soit pour le wifi ou le GPS !!
Vraiment desolé d’avoir acheté une tablette alldocube !!
Pierre Fistarol

2022-03-12 01:33:28

Alldocube ??? –> FUYEZ !!


2022-03-14 05:13:29
  • The GPS problem still remains. Tried a factory reset, it worked fine for 4 days then problem came back: Power-on the device, start any g ps app and everything seems ok, then after a while (5 minutes? 10 minutes?) GPS stops working and if I want to use again (with same problems, anyway) I have to restart the device.
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