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problem after updating and installing firmware of iplay40 pro
2021-11-15 04:43:31
Replies: 1 | Views 2106 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 2

it’s me again who was having sound problem on iplay40 pro device here. I tried installing the firmware as some people suggested, and this audio bug was not fixed at all. only 2 days after installing the new firmware, the beep error continuously appeared as before the installation. But I just discovered that if I wear a headset with a 3.5 adapter, it will not be beeped, but will stutter, lag or freeze the screen. This error is really annoying, can someone find a way to fix it?

2021-12-06 20:40:31

As of now, AFAIK there’s no way to fix the beeping. I have sent my unit back to the seller for 3 times total now, the first would be to reflash the tablet, then after that replacing my mainboard, and the last is getting a whole new unit replacement but the problem still persist. The only workaround that i know is to make a second user account on your tablet and switch to that and back whenever the beeping occurs. That way, you don’t have to restart the tablet everytime it beeps. I do hope that alldocube would roll out a fix for this problem because honestly, this tab is a bang for your buck if there’s no problem with it

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