Home Page Forums Technical Discussion Iplay 40 Pro – No 2k or 4k in YouTube app.

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Iplay 40 Pro – No 2k or 4k in YouTube app.
2021-08-22 09:20:05
Replies: 6 | Views 2275 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 2

No 2k or 4k options in the YouTube app or YouTube Vanced.


Highest I can get is 1080p

2021-08-22 12:09:43

Try smart tube?

2021-08-23 01:49:22

Or YouTube Vanced.

2021-08-26 07:17:37

Vanced same issue. Even with all the overrides on


2021-09-22 20:35:58

Same here. Not sure how it works. It is advertised as 2K but it could be just the screen and not the actual video resolution. Weird.

2021-09-29 20:01:37

I think these had to do with “Widevine CDM level”. Read about it on internet.

The iPlay 40H /Pro had only L3, for higher resolutions you need Widevine L1.

It is a free certificate that Alldocube can ask for and put in a next firmware.

You can ask Alldocube if they will fix this and put it in a next firmware.

2021-09-29 21:04:04

Here’s from the marketing material:

The GPU supports Vulkan, OpenGL ES 3.0 and other advanced graphics technology. It has stronger graphics processing capabilities and supports 4K video.

But it seems they did not enable it on the device. Non sense.

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