Home Page Forums General Discussion [I PLAY 40H] I want to downgrade to ANDROID 10.

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[I PLAY 40H] I want to downgrade to ANDROID 10.
2021-08-03 23:59:00
Replies: 1 | Views 1728 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 0

I purchased the latest product, I PLAY40H.
However, since it is ANDROID 11, incompatible games and apps are found.

I want to downgrade to ANDROID 10.

With ANDROID 10, I would like to receive downgrade firmware!

Can I apply the firmware of I PLAY 40 to I PLAY 40H?

2021-08-04 22:07:12

you can change the langulage into Chinese(the top right of this page) that you can find , my iplay40 pro Chinese version is andorid10, iam waiting for the andriod 11 upgrade. so I came here but they still don’t relaese the Firmware  yet

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