Home Page Forums Technical Discussion Iplay 30 Pro model T1012E hard brick *SOLVED*

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Iplay 30 Pro model T1012E hard brick *SOLVED*
2021-07-26 02:51:02
Replies: 6 | Views 2822 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

I own an Iplay 30 Pro tablet. I needed to install the firmware in the Chinese version T1012C – 210129 using the SP Flash Tool software.

According to a guide found on the web, all the fields has been checked, while on the official guide (https://androidmtk.com/flash-stock-rom-using-smart-phone-flash-tool, found too late, when the damage had already been done) has been written to uncheck the Preloader option in order to avoid a device brick.

Apparently the update procedure (with all the fields checked) has finished with success (green check in a windows), but, after disconnecting the tablet from the PC, I am not able to power it on in any way. It seems to be in hard brick.

Still, with SP Flash Tool, I tried to update the tablet with the international version of the firmware but:
– on the bottom the message “Download DA 100%” appears and remains fixed on a red background;
– after a few minutes the error “STATUS_EXT_RAM_EXCEPTION (0xC0050005)” appears.

The international firmware is the one downloaded from the Alldocube official website, while the Chinese one was downloaded elsewhere. In both cases I have reason to believe that they are both valid.

How to solve?
Thanks in advance to those who want to help me.

2021-07-27 09:00:47

I solved by installing with SP Flash Tool a specific firmware sent from the support of Alldocube for the model I own whose product number starts with T1012E. 😉

2021-07-27 21:32:29

Quote #2F by @lastway:

I solved by installing with SP Flash Tool a specific firmware sent from the support of Alldocube for the model I own whose product number starts with T1012E. ;-)

Hey man can I also have this firmware managed to brick mine

2021-07-28 01:56:52

This is the link:

firmware T1012E download

I don’t know if it violates the forum rules, as I haven’t found anything about it. If it is, I will remove the link.

2021-07-28 04:34:05

Thank you my tab all good again

2021-07-28 15:04:54

Quote #4F by @lastway:

This is the link: firmware T1012E download I don't know if it violates the forum rules, as I haven't found anything about it. If it is, I will remove the link.

Bro you manage to flash the Chinese Rom?

2021-07-29 05:26:59

Nothing to do: if you use T1012C firmware (Chinese or International edition) the tablet gets bricked. In my opinion, at the moment, the only firmware that can be uploaded is the one supplied from the support team.

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