Home Page Forums General Discussion Pressure Sensitive Pen for iPlay 40

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Pressure Sensitive Pen for iPlay 40
2021-02-18 02:09:58
Replies: 1 | Views 4990 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1


I’m trying to decide between an iPlay 30 and iPlay 40 and one of the things I really need to have is a stylus/pen with pressure sensitivity. Alldocube sell one for the iPlay 30, but I don’t see anything for the iPlay 40.

Does anyone know of a pressure sensitive Stylus for the iPlay 40? Will the one for the iPlay 30 work?

I’d really appreciate any help you may be able to offer!


2021-03-02 10:06:00

iplay40 does not support stylus with pressure sensitive function due to the touch screen

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