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iplay 30 keeps changing Wifi MAC address
2021-02-10 01:22:24
Replies: 6 | Views 3171 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

My iplay 30 keeps changing WiFi MAC address.

Remember: I know how to set wifi privacy setting between “Use randomized MAC” and “Use device MAC”

The problem:

  • Connect to Wifi
  • Set Privacy to “Use device MAC”
  • Wifi MAC still change every time I turn on/off Wifi. Only 6 last characters are changed: 00:08:22:74:93:0f -> 00:08:22:AC:90:FF -> 00:08:22:b8:8f:00

Please fix this.



2021-02-12 01:15:37

Utilisation Use device MAC, and Mac-Adress from Network Details.

2021-02-12 01:27:07

Quote #2F by @Firstaldo:

Utilisation Use device MAC, and Mac-Adress from Network Details.

I did. And the MAC still change every time I turn on/off Wifi. Only 6 last characters are changed: 00:08:22:74:93:0f -> 00:08:22:AC:90:FF -> 00:08:22:b8:8f:00

2021-02-12 02:05:40

Sorry, My mistake. Use randomized MAC (default) to adjust. Don’t use the Mac from the device (Iplay 30) , but use Mac from Network Details. With you is this fiber…. and 00:08: 22:74:93:0f.

works fine for me.

2021-02-20 18:00:37

Quote #3F by @freakingprime:

I did. And the MAC still change every time I turn on/off Wifi. Only 6 last characters are changed: 00:08:22:74:93:0f -> 00:08:22:AC:90:FF -> 00:08:22:b8:8f:00

Thanks. It works for me too. It’s weird that Randomized MAC is not changed for saved network but Device MAC keep changing.

2021-03-02 10:01:12

iplay30 uses mtk p60 cpu, mtk tablets and mobile phones can use mtk’s universal sn writer tool to rewrite the mac address with the bp ap file in  firmware

2021-03-02 11:26:18

I tried to use both methods Randomized MAC and Device Mac both also don’t work for me. Does anyone have the same experience?

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