Home Page Forums Technical Discussion Request for features Full Gestures Navigation on iPlay 40

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Request for features Full Gestures Navigation on iPlay 40
2021-01-30 13:55:02
Replies: 5 | Views 4085 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 3

I think the Full Gestures control capabilities that come with Android 10 are very useful in making iPlay 40 smooth and completely used. So why did it disappear? This substance is not available on the iPlay 40. I regret that it is not available. And hopefully the Alldocube will help bring this features to users like me and anyone else who needs it. We look forward to receiving a response.

2021-02-07 17:16:51

Maybe you can try this :

iPlay20 tablet – few solutions for some problems:

Or this :


2021-02-13 22:16:42

Quote #2F by @zgildasz:

Maybe you can try this : https://www.alldocube.com/en/forums/topic/iplay20-tablet-few-solutions-for-some-problems/ Or this : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.toneiv.ubktouch

Hi! The first tip from the iplay 20 also works on the iplay40, thank you! Only in the menu is still nothing to see. Enough for me for now! Greetings Frank!

2021-03-26 18:13:07

Non avere le gesture in un tablet nel 2021 è un assurdità

2021-05-09 11:57:08

Did you get the Android 10 style gestures or the older one with the pill and the back button?

2021-08-23 21:26:16

try this to turn on gestures…


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