Home Page Forums Technical Discussion iPlay40 Global ROM

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iPlay40 Global ROM
2021-01-18 13:25:48
Replies: 2 | Views 3602 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

When will iPlay40 Global ROM be issued???

Iplay40 cannot be used outside of China.

2021-01-24 18:07:51

Hi! I use the iplay40 outside China……..in Germany! So far everything works except for the Android gesture control. This is not even displayed in the system menu! Playstore and everything else works, a first system update came also already. How do I recognize the global version? I hope that alldocube improve soon, I miss the gesture control but quite! If then still a widefine1 classification would come…..then the device would be in the price range really an insider tip! Greetings from the middle of Europe!

2021-02-19 07:41:17

Quote #2F by @maseck72:

Hi! I use the iplay40 outside China........in Germany! So far everything works except for the Android gesture control. This is not even displayed in the system menu! Playstore and everything else works, a first system update came also already. How…

I wonder where the notification slider is… cant adjust the sound for that.. sigh…

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