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IMEI Repair for Alldocube Iplay 20 (SOLVED)
2021-01-09 02:43:46
Replies: 1 | Views 2952 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 0

Hi there! I asked Alldocube for help and they told me that the WriteIMEI Tool for Alldocube Iplay 20 is a special software from UNISOC called SIMBA R8.0 and NPI TOOLs ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/fidqskei0794j26/%E5%86%99%E5%8F%B7iplay20.zip?dl=0 ), there are many softwares for this tablet in this packet, but many instructions are in chinese and I couldn’t understand how to conect those softwares to the tablet. Any of you tech guys understand how those softwares work and how can we change the IMEI using them ? I flashed a firmware and it changed my IMEI, and now I don’t know how to restore it.

2021-06-21 03:57:54

That’s.the answer to change IMEI:


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