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Alldocube X Neo ROMs, Features and Help
2020-12-17 05:51:36
Replies: 1 | Views 4335 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 0

The X Neo has enough processing power for most of new apps and web browsing, split screen also works well.

After unlocking bootloader, there are GSI ROMs out there that work well with the tablet as well making it very customizable.

I have personally tried lineage os 16, resurrection remix, and bless (bliss android 10). The best for me is bless as it has face unlock for lockscreen and app lock. height of status bar is customizable, memory usage is 1.5gb (with basic nikgapps).


2020-12-17 21:37:01

To unlock bootloader, you will have to flash the chinese firmware first then issue fastboot flashing unlock_critical.

Make sure backup important partitions first like EFS.

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