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Alldocube X: Serious issue with MAC direction
2019-10-23 18:32:35
Replies: 2 | Views 2489 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Hi there.

I am having another extrange and anoying issue with my Alldocube X: MAC direction is changing every time I coneect to a nectwork. And this is for me a ridiculously serious problem because I use the tablet to work in an environment (a high school) where MAC directions of the differernt devices are allowed by hand, one by one in orther to avoid security fails and to prevent the students to use their devices. How can I make the Alldocube X not to change its MAC direction once and again all the time?!!

Please this is very important because otherwise I will have to sell it and by another model or brand

Thanks a lot

2019-10-24 11:03:15

you can try to use mtk sn write tool(https://androidmtk.com/download-sn-write-tool) to rewrite mac address。

2019-10-29 03:11:24

Quote #2F by @win2tabless:

you can try to use mtk sn write tool(https://androidmtk.com/download-sn-write-tool) to rewrite mac address。

Thanks but I’m not sure this will work. I have decided to go back to my iPad. Can not stand this tablet any more. Battery is useless and now this MAC issue is the end. Thanks Alldocube team for this “great” tablet.

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