Home Page Forums Technical Discussion Alldocube X SD Card Max Size

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Alldocube X SD Card Max Size
2019-09-28 13:50:57
Replies: 1 | Views 2749 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 2


I’ve recently purchased an Alldocube X. I’d like to be able to use an SD card of greater than 128gb so that I can store my FLAC music files on the tablet. I see that the maximum size indicated is 128gb. Has anyone tried using 256gb cards? Not sure if the 128gb is a hardware limitation or just the biggest size confirmed to be compatible by Alldocube. 256gb cards are quite expensive so would rather not buy one until I have some knowledge of whether it is likely to work! Both 128 and 256gb cards are sdxc format, so it should work??

Any thoughts or comments appreciated!




2019-09-30 15:10:39

I did try on a M5X, and surprisingly, it worked.
Everything seems to be alright, but I wont use it that way until officiel confirmation, since nowhere on earth it is said that it works

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