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reset to factory Win10 problem iWork10
2019-05-14 03:00:47
Replies: 4 | Views 4865 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1


i have problem with my iWork10 in reseting process to factory configuration Win10.

I worked with my iWork10 for 2 years. And desided to reset the nootebook and present to a friend.

Reseting procedures worked properly in Android and in Win10. Android was clear and ran initial setup without problem.

In contrast – Win10 asked me the username and password! 

What can I do?


2019-05-17 09:12:39

It is recommended that you reinstall windows os ,

and then restore drivers for i15tc:https://mega.nz/#!aGYEWShD!csFB2U8Ng09X97VIVKTU99AFrzsDyYu9or7Hw8YoTaU

2019-05-17 16:14:55

Quote #2F by @win2tabless:

It is recommended that you reinstall windows os , and then restore drivers for i15tc:https://mega.nz/#!aGYEWShD!csFB2U8Ng09X97VIVKTU99AFrzsDyYu9or7Hw8YoTaU

reinstall? it’s the the tablet PC. How can i do that? At the first time i did the basic win10 function.

Is there the factory function somethere? I have no software somethere on disk or something :,(

2020-07-26 04:55:53

Quote #2F by @win2tabless:

It is recommended that you reinstall windows os , and then restore drivers for i15tc:https://mega.nz/#!aGYEWShD!csFB2U8Ng09X97VIVKTU99AFrzsDyYu9or7Hw8YoTaU

hello Dear

I have the same problem

ok thanks but there are many other tricks

but there is problem to run the “command prompt” or 5 times SHIFT if there is login place but all 2 options doesnt work with this system

can you send inf. how I can RUN the command prompt ?



2020-07-26 04:57:08

Also the safe mode doesnt work 🙁 and cant change password  – why these functions are OFF ? how can we ON it ?



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