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Cube Mix Plus 2
2019-04-28 19:04:55
Replies: 2 | Views 4582 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1


I just found out about the Cube Mix Plus tablet but it is sold out and 2 years old now. Is Alldocube working on a new Windows tablet with a newer processor and more RAM? I am looking for a 10 inch Windows tablet but the Surface Go has a slow processor so I don’t want to buy it. Any recommendations for a good 10 or 9 inch Windows tablet. Preferably with a pen support.

2019-04-29 10:54:56

Machines with the new Intel 5-6W power-consuming CPUs will probably have to wait six months or more, and such CPUs are now in serious shortage.

2019-04-29 14:53:42

Other brands have released models with Intel M3-8100Y processor.

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