Home Page Forums Technical Discussion Desperate with Alldocube iwork10 pro – wifi, bluetooth and sd problems

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Desperate with Alldocube iwork10 pro – wifi, bluetooth and sd problems
2019-03-18 19:18:40
Replies: 0 | Views 3939 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1


I’m desperate with this tablet. Every day I have new problems with it:

  1. Wifi. Disconnect at five minutes aprox. I have to reset the tablet for working again. I bought a wifi adapter and solutioned the problem. Not in android because android doesn’t recognize external adapters.
  2. Sound is poor so the solution is to use bluetooth speaker. The same problem like wifi. When connect first time is ok. But later, if you use the tablet another day doesn’t connect the speaker.
  3. Micro SD. The sd slot is dead. I bought one 128 microsd. Formatted it to Fat32 and perfect at first. Some days ago the slot doesn’t recognize it. Not only this microsd, no one. Problem with drivers (sdstor.sys) Error code 10. Couldn’t initialize.

Help. Any Solutions? I have emailed alldocube support (mail) and no answer.

Thanks a lot

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