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Alldocube X Applock?
2019-01-26 23:49:05
Replies: 2 | Views 3545 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 2


I just received two  Alldocube X devices. Looks fine, but in the settings there is an app called “Applock” that is not documented as far as I can see. If I click it it shows a lock screen in Chinese that expect a pattern to unlock. What is the app for? It’s a bit concerning because of privacy. Please explain.

2019-06-24 00:01:55

Yes, please, someone from Alldocube could explain what is this app for? Thanks a lot

2019-06-24 04:21:17

Quote #2F by @Blendering:

Yes, please, someone from Alldocube could explain what is this app for? Thanks a lot

They wrote me: ”

Please draw the graphics lock twice first to make a  graphics lock  ,and then goto applock app windows,and then add the app you want to protect”


so it’s a useless app for protecting apps you want to keep private….(or maybe it’s a spy app since chrome sometimes defaults to the alldocube homepage without me doing anything).

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