Home Page Forums General Discussion Don\'t Buy the i-work 10 BAD QUALITY

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Don\'t Buy the i-work 10 BAD QUALITY
2018-12-15 09:47:14
Replies: 0 | Views 2593 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 0

after a few months of using this device, the key board broke itself. the mouse pad wont work any more, it’s extremely hard to connect it to the tablet, it connects and disconnects over and over again unless you push down on the keyboard. The switch to android exe randomly disappeared, i never deleted it or reset the device. For some reason the keyboard is glitched out to where the Fn key is always enabled, so I have to hold it while typing, an example, im using this device right now, heres what it looks like without me holding on to the Fn key: ABC’s – abcdefgh51230n6/qrst4vwxyz. This device has received no harm, just buy something else.

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