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discovered LDAC audio codec support with iPlay 60 mini Pro
2024-09-19 19:00:24
Replies: 0 | Views 27 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Hi guys!

Thankfully, to my delight, I just discovered the new 8.4″ iPlay 60 mini Pro to support Bluetooth LDAC audio codec! Which with the older iPlay 50 mini it was not the case (limited to SBC then).
Three questions, maybe someone could answer:

  1. What maximum LDAC bit rate is supported by the tablet: 330 kbit/sec, 660 kbit/sec or 990 kbit/sec (so-called MQ, SQ or HQ mode according to LDAC specs)?
  2. I am going to replace one more older tablet, one with a larger screen… Which of the latest models to feature LDAC support, too? At least the iPlay 60 Pad Pro? What about the iPlay 60 in that regard?
  3. Maybe you could add that “audio codec” information to the spec sheet of each model. – For audio folks like me that’s of interest in general…
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