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Had to reinstall Windows, no audio or mic now.
2024-09-07 02:25:50
Replies: 1 | Views 689 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Due to a bad update and a corrupted system, I had to do a fresh Windows install on my Alldocube Vbook 13.5 i35AB with the n3450. After installing, I made sure to install updates and optional driver updates from the Windows Updates in the settings program. After I was done installing all of the updates, my audio doesn’t work. Device manager and the task bar show that no audio device is installed. It was working before I had to reinstall Windows, now it doesn’t. I tried downloading the drivers from a different post here and used dism++ to install them but my audio is still not working. Is there a special installation disk or something that I need? The driver folder I found in several posts on this forum did not fix my issue. I need this to work because I do online school and need my speakers and mic to work.

2024-09-19 16:07:24

For the dism++ backup drivers, go to the Device Manager and manually right-click the faulty drivers one by one to the backup driver folder to install the drivers. Install all the drivers that can be installed first.

In addition, the following link contains the backup driver of i35ab and the factory system installation file


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