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Had to reinstall Windows, no audio or mic now.
2024-09-07 02:25:50
Replies: 0 | Views 141 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

Due to a bad update and a corrupted system, I had to do a fresh Windows install on my Alldocube Vbook 13.5 i35AB with the n3450. After installing, I made sure to install updates and optional driver updates from the Windows Updates in the settings program. After I was done installing all of the updates, my audio doesn’t work. Device manager and the task bar show that no audio device is installed. It was working before I had to reinstall Windows, now it doesn’t. I tried downloading the drivers from a different post here and used dism++ to install them but my audio is still not working. Is there a special installation disk or something that I need? The driver folder I found in several posts on this forum did not fix my issue. I need this to work because I do online school and need my speakers and mic to work.

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