Home Page Forums Technical Discussion Help: Bootloop – iplay 50 mini pro

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Help: Bootloop – iplay 50 mini pro
2023-12-18 12:10:27
Replies: 5 | Views 1845 | Favorites: 0 | Subscriptions: 1

as there are no ota pushed in to iplay 50 mini pro, so attempted the flashing to update.


everything was done right with the green circle tick.

the tablet ended up in bootloop now.


tried the below methods but none work:

1. flashing numerous times from old to new versions (used SP flash too V6, latest) (tried V5 says not compatible)

2. clearing cache partition in recovery mode.

3. cannot use adb as not turn on developer mode, now bootloop cannot turn one too.

email support but no response.

2023-12-18 13:36:21

Hello, I advise you that when you update it first it is with Windows 10, after your computer has the drivers for the Mediatek tablet then so that it does not stay in a loop all the time leave the preloader file on. I happened to deactivate it and the tablet didn’t work for me and I activated it and did it again and it worked perfectly leave me in comments if it worked for you I hope it works for you

2023-12-18 15:14:58

Quote #2F by @briancontreras-lopez:

Hello, I advise you that when you update it first it is with Windows 10, after your computer has the drivers for the Mediatek tablet then so that it does not stay in a loop all the time leave the…

hi, thks for the swift reply.


just want to make sure i interprete it correctly.


1. are you saying that using a laptop running wdws 10 to flash it instead? My laptop is wdws 11 though.

2.when flashing, make sure to tick the preloader.bin file to flash?


is there anything that i missed out.



2023-12-18 16:00:29

You didn’t miss anything, that’s how I did it and it worked perfectly and if maybe it gives you problems with Windows because you have it very advanced, the program doesn’t work well, I would try to find a computer with Windows 10 and do what I told you to see if It works for you I hope it works for you answer me when you solve it

2023-12-19 09:45:05

Quote #4F by @briancontreras-lopez:

You didn't miss anything, that's how I did it and it worked perfectly and if maybe it gives you problems with Windows because you have it very advanced, the program doesn't work well, I would try to find a computer…

Hi, good news.


i didnt manage to get an windows 10 laptop to work on.

but after having some thoughts on the advice that you had given.


i tried another SP MDT tool to flash instead of what Alldocube “tutoral” steps and it works flawlessly.

Hope someone who faces the same problem can find this thread and solve their issues too.

thanks for the replies and advice! 🙂

cheers and happy holidays!

i hope

2023-12-19 13:26:26

You’re welcome, it’s a pleasure to be able to help, happy holidays too.

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