



System update


iPlay40H/iPlay40 Pro

iPlay40H/iPlay40 Pro

The firmware compression package contains the flashing tutorial, please read it carefully before flashing.

System Firmware

Recommended Applications

Please pay attention to back up the tablet data before flashing, beware of data loss due to errors. FAQs


Product Model : T1020H/T1020HP

File size : 1.42GB

Downloads : 97975

Update log:

The old version firmwares for iPlay40H/iPlay40 Pro:





firmware upgrade tool & guide download link:

Spreadtrum Upgrade Tool and Guide.rar


To be opened

All Comments (101 comments)


  • Plutarco

    ¿Alguien tiene la contraseña para aceptar la configuración OTA?

    Por favor mándame un WhatsApp coménteme cuál es la clave me están llegando las notificaciones y no sé cuál es la clave para la configuración OTA me pide la contraseña +52 2227006652



  • Kit yeoh

    ฉันต้องการอัพเกรดเป็น แอนดรอยด์13ทำอย่างไร สำหรับ I Play 4OH

  • Kalin Dimitrov

    Cannot download anything because software and firmware requires decryption code when downloading from Mega. Please provide the code.

    1. Kalin Dimitrov reply to Kalin Dimitrov

      Resolved the problem by changing the browser. Opera required decryption key. With EDGE I had no problem.

  • cin

    Если у вас отваливается соединение Wi-Fi, то поставьте в роутере совместимость VHT. Проблема должна уйти.

  • Dominik Stenzel

    Since I installed this update on my Tablet it reboots after 20 Seconds of usage, sometimes 2minutes. Now its useless. Never had this with any other device after a original firmware update. I did it like in the guide and everything worked out like its written. Where can I ask for support?

  • Femi

    When will we get firmware updates for this tab?

  • Vandecir

    Porquê ainda não há atualização para o iPlay40 Pro, do ANDROID 13. Esta é uma falha que os fabricantes de tablets e Smartphone cometem. Acho que deveriam dar mais assistência para os equipamentos antigo, pelo menos aqueles fabricados entre 5 a 10 anos atrás. Sem atualização, o equipamento se torna obsoleto.



  • Ronin

    My tablet has build number T1020H_V1.0_20210803. The OTA/updates options of the device hasn’t reported any new updates for a long time, but I see on this page that there have been quite a few. Why is that so? Should I update manually?

    1. Brian reply to Ronin

      Yes, but I don’t recommend it. I couldn’t. It’s very difficult. If you’re lucky, it will work out for you or you’ll be left without a tablet.

  • Is anyone else having a stuttering and beeping sound when playing any app? It could be Netflix it could be a game? I am updating firmware this morning and will follow up if the new firmware fixes the issues I have been having.

    1. Anton reply to jimcbama77

      Same here ;(

    2. Laaf reply to jimcbama77

      Hi. Mine has occasionally small freezes, like for 2-10 second, mostly when more power would be needed I guess, so gaming is unavailable. Only browsing and videos. The seller of course wasn’t much help…
      Anyway. Did you have issues like this? Did the update any good?

  • Jos

    Could someone please confirm if the Mesh WiFi issue is fixed in the 20221027 firmware ???

    1. Jakub reply to Jos

      No it’s not. They are not planning to solve it. It’s fraudulent manufacturer.

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