iPlay40H/iPlay40 Pro
The firmware compression package contains the flashing tutorial, please read it carefully before flashing.
System Firmware
Recommended Applications
Please pay attention to back up the tablet data before flashing, beware of data loss due to errors. FAQs
Product Model : T1020H/T1020HP
File size : 1.42GB
Downloads : 97976
Update log:
The old version firmwares for iPlay40H/iPlay40 Pro:
firmware upgrade tool & guide download link:
I buy one iplay 40. its a decoration stone since i buy it. Temperature problem, allways reeboting games and video. Bangood tell me to ask to alldo, alldo say to upgrade firmware, i upgrade on 2021 same problem. You take the Money and dont solve problems . Waste of Money dont buy it.
Like ashiff reported below,the published firmware may be corrupted.
At least,iPlay40H(T1020H)-EN-20210911 won’t work properly on my investigation.
Please check it and fix the problem.
after update mine just went to blackscreen nothing happens
Merci pour votre proposition , mais le suppositoire alldocube m a déjà fait assez mal !
i received ota 4,6MB but stays installing for minutes, not restarting to recovery etc
which version do you have at the moment? Was OTA activated during an earlier software release?
i installed the usual way
and later on ota was available
it just needed time
Hi, I confirm that. OTA was available for the first time in this tablet’s history! The download size 4.6MB, but it might download additional data since the installation took quite a long time (>10 mins). As SetiaG said: I’ve got an update via OTA 20220908 version and i check it via Device HW Info; it is build date 08.09.2022. Confirmed.
Now to the most important part: what’s new? Nobody knows, but there is an improvement in WiFi for sure. Brought the tablet to my lab (I am a researcher in wireless tech) and tested it on 3 modern networks. The result: the old problem with “Please check password and try again” disappeared, the link works until the signal gets extremely low and it should switch to a neighbouring AP. Then the connectivity is lost, the password is not forgotten, but DHCP is not successful. So Internet connectivity is lost. Toggling WiFi ON/OFF does not repair it, but switching tablet OFF/ON helps.
Also disabling MAC randomization now improves stability!
Now it dies only while roaming thru a number of APs, not when it is used inside an office or a class. This is a start, but still a long way to go.
Hello, I have huge problems with the iplay 40h with the wifi. Permanent interruptions and always re-entering the data. Could the update help with the problem? I dare to upgrade, is there someone who can do it for me safely?
Hallo, ich habe riesige Probleme beim iplay 40h mit dem WLAN. Permanente Unterbrechungen und immer neu die Daten eingeben. Könnte das Update bei dem Problem helfen? Ich traue mich das Upgrade durchzuführen, gibt es jemanden der das sicher für mich machen kann?
Ergänzung: Ich traue mich nicht das Upgrade durchzuführen, gibt es jemanden der das sicher für mich machen kann? In Berlin wäre ideal. Danke
Hallo, bin leider nicht aus Berlin (etwa 1000 kms südlicher), aber das Upgrade durchzuführen lohnt sich eigentlich nicht. Werde weiter lieber auf EN schreiben..
None of the FW updates did solve WiFi problems. These are known for several AllDoCube tablet models. Many buyers returned the tablet to their seller for this reason.
WiFi has specific problems with modern WiFi networks, e.g. WiFi 6 (802.11ax) and similar dual band networks. Have done many tests and these can be also found on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=alldocube+iplay+40+pro+problem
How to minimize them:
– do not use the tablet on dual-band networks (2.4/5GHz)
– configure your home dual band net as 2 separate nets, e.g. one with myssid24 and second myssid5, then register just one of those networks on your tablet
– if you don’t have admin privileges for your WiFi net, read bullet 1 (do not use…)
You can’t lock Android device to a specific frequency band, you must do that on the access point side.
With respect to bullet 1 this will limit the use of your tablet to old WiFi networks and to those, specially configured with splitted bands. In all others – you will have to fight the password forgotten problems.
I am just sorry that we don’t get this info before the purchase. E.g. I bought it from Geekbuying, they did not allow me to write about the WiFi problems, my review was not accepted. So now people are still buying these tablets, which have serious problems with WiFi (not to mention others, WiFi, display in some cases, speakers in some cases).. it’s just waste of money. AllDoCube – never again!
Vielen Dank für die Info. Banggood nimmt das Tab nicht zurück, obwohl 1 Tag nach Erhalt reklamiert. Sehr unseriös Banggood. Nach deiner Meldung kann ich das Ding wohl in den Müll werfen. Wenn man alle 2 Min aus dem Netz fliegt macht es weder Spaß noch Sinn. 200 € verbrannt. Super.
Warum verkauft allducube die Tabs noch, wenn klar ist der Fehler lässt ich nicht beseitigen? Danke
Mine is never have problem with wifi 2.4 or 5 Ghz link connection.
IMHO i have been setup with these:
>Put the “Battery Saver” TURN OFF (when Battery Saver mode is on, it looks like the chip T618 will turn wifi off automatically when you are not using the tablet)
>Use Greenify Apps instead to save the battery (set Greenify manualy every apps to normal hybernation, except VLC if you want to listen mp3 for a longtime)
>Setup the Router to Channel 1 or 6 or 11 (pick one, these are the very stable wifi channel connection)
Thanks for your feedback. Your tips didn’t help me, they also have nothing to do with the energy status. A position change of 30cm and the connection breaks. Banggood (the seller) informed me that Alldocube reports that the bug is a minor incompatibility. It’s totally outrageous. A SMALL INCOMBATIBILITY. The fact is you can’t work with the tablet. There is no error correction and no withdrawal either. From my point of view cheating.
Ça fait presque 2 ans que j’ ai les mêmes problèmes, malgré 4 mises à jour !
Alldocube est totalement incompétent et laisse pourrir la situation !!!
Il faut se résigner et faire avec !!
Ça fait presque 2 ans que j’ ai les mêmes problèmes, malgré 4 mises à jour !
Alldocube est totalement incompétent et laisse pourrir la situation !!!
Il faut se résigner et faire avec !!
Hallo Pierre, ich denke man muss das nicht hinnehmen. Hersteller und Händler überall diskreditieren, auf jedem Social Media Kanal, auf jedem Bewertungsportal, bei jeder Zeitung, jeder Zeitschrift, bei jedem Freund und den Gästen auf jedem Fest, im Sportverein, überall. Diese Unternehmen müssen an den Pranger gestellt werden, wo immer möglich. Wenn immer mehr Menschen sollen aufhören bei Chinesischen Händlern einzukaufen und begreifen das eine Vielzahl der Produkte Schrott sind. Ein Boykott Chinesischer Unternehmen und Produkte müsste doch als Kampagne zu organisieren sein. Den Botschaften der VR China klar machen, dass diese Firmen dem Ansehen Chinas schaden und der Wirtschaft. Verbraucher können auch Druck ausüben.
Bonjour Pierre, je ne pense pas que tu doives accepter cela. Discréditez les fabricants et les détaillants partout, sur tous les réseaux sociaux, sur tous les portails d’évaluation, dans chaque journal, chaque magazine, avec chaque ami et invité à chaque fête, dans les clubs sportifs, partout. Ces entreprises doivent être mises au pilori dans la mesure du possible. Si de plus en plus de gens devaient cesser d’acheter auprès de revendeurs chinois et se rendre compte qu’un grand nombre de produits sont de la pacotille. Un boycott des entreprises et des produits chinois devrait être organisé comme une campagne. Faites comprendre aux ambassades de la RPC que ces entreprises nuisent à l’image et à l’économie de la Chine. Les consommateurs peuvent également faire pression.
Bonjour Pierre, je ne pense pas que tu doives accepter cela. Discréditez les fabricants et les détaillants partout, sur tous les réseaux sociaux, sur tous les portails d’évaluation, dans chaque journal, chaque magazine, avec chaque ami et invité à chaque fête, dans les clubs sportifs, partout. Ces entreprises doivent être mises au pilori dans la mesure du possible. Si de plus en plus de gens devaient cesser d’acheter auprès de revendeurs chinois et se rendre compte qu’un grand nombre de produits sont de la pacotille. Un boycott des entreprises et des produits chinois devrait être organisé comme une campagne. Faites comprendre aux ambassades de la RPC que ces entreprises nuisent à l’image et à l’économie de la Chine. Les consommateurs peuvent également faire pression.
das WLAN wurde in Android geändert und unterstützt zufällige MAC Adressen. Je nach Router wird man damit nicht mehr ins WLAN gelassen und muss die Daten neu eingeben. Das ist unter den WLAN Sicherheitseinstellungen zu finden.
Hi, it’s true about the MAC Randomization (you can find it under specific SSID Settings/Advanced), just this tablet has the same problems with MAC Randomization ON or OFF. Tested on 3 tablets several times. Do you have any other experience? Thanks!
I’ve got an update via OTA 20220908 version and i check it via Device HW Info; it is build date 08.09.2022.
And surely, first i already updated Google Play Services to 22.30.12 [Aug 29 2022] with this link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.google.android.gms
Via OTA? Over-the-Air? AllDoCube is known for not supporting OTA on iPlay 40 Pro (and other models). Are you sure?
Could you please describe the procedure? Thank you!
I also received an update via OTA yesterday, it takes as much as 4.5Mb
Yes, i did it.
OTA updater with 4.6MB size only (took 10-15 minutes, do not restart or turn off device)
Mine is iPlay 40Pro 8/256GB.
Remember always to update Google Play Services regulary (at least monthly)
AllDoCube did it again! Excellent firmware that removes all the problems with WiFi mesh and dual band WiFi networks. WAIT.. what? Why does a release dated 2022-09-08 have a name from 2022-04-09 (iPlay40H(T1020H)-EN-20220409) as seen on 2022-09-11 (they might wake up some time and change it).
So let’s try the fileCompare tool between the previous version from April (old) and this one from September (marked as new)..
fc /B “iPlay40H(T1020H)_EN_20220409_new.rar” “iPlay40H(T1020H)_EN_20220409_old.rar”
Comparing files iPlay40H(T1020H)_EN_20220409_new.rar and IPLAY40H(T1020H)_EN_20220409_OLD.RAR
FC: no differences encountered
So here you are.. all the problems remain, it’s just a fake release!!!!
Where is the last update? There is no on link!
Tried upgrading and it says failed: user cancelled…. how do you get past that error using the upgrade tool?
installed driver.
opened the research tool
selected .pac file
made sure tablet was off
press start
plugged in tablet
starts to check and fails : user unplugged?
Forgot the volume down button!