System Firmware
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Please pay attention to back up the tablet data before flashing, beware of data loss due to errors. FAQs
Product Model : T1011S/T1011B
File size : 1.28GB
Downloads : 102420
Update log:
The old version firmwares for Iplay20:
firmware upgrade tool & guide download link:
It did not work for me. The upgrade software worked just fine and loaded the downloaded file on the pc. That’s as far as it went. I connected the tablet and tried what you suggested, both with the tablet on and switched off. I pressed the volume up and volume down button on the tablet after pressing the play arrow in the upgrade software screen but nothing happens at all. Any ideas? Am I missing something?
Napíš mi svoj mail lebo je to dvojmo všetko …napíšeme si krok pokroku
I used SPD_Upgrade_Tool_R24.0.0003
but that you already know, of course.
So: open the software, click on the start/play arrow…. connect the tablet to PC, but before you get logged out, or before connecting, press play button and volume button on the tablet (volume button first, then play button)…. hold the button down until the update starts
Hold it for about 40s
It worked for me….
Do you mean we have to connect tablet to pc first, then pess volume down button in tablet before press play button on the flash tool on PC?
Correct Sir?
Can you please share your solution. Thanks
ahoj Pavel , už som to vyriešil ..ozvi sa mi na
Can you please share your solution. Thanks
The tablet does not have a fully functional android 10. Some language options are missing (such as Slovak language).
WiFi 5g connection does not work either.
Software update is not possible. Even after a great effort and despite me following the product manual I was not able to update it. The tablet stops working and gets disconnected in the middle of the update process.
I have tried several ways to update the device and none of them were successful.
Presne mám tiež taký problém …písal som výrobcom a nič len že napíšu
It would be really helpful if Alldocube would push a firmware update over the air (OTA) by WiFi. Pleas consider this, as it would greatly help all users.
I have the same problem as Geoff Nolan. Connect the tablet to the PC and then disconnect and cannot update ………
I have followed the tutorial and connected my iPlay20 to my windows 10 laptop. However, the connection is lost as soon as I power off the tablet, as instructed in the tutorial. Am I missing something? How can I update my firmware while the tablet is switched off?
This update version
I know there is an update to this firmware version, but I don’t receive any update push after flashing this firmware already 2 days after. Can anyone help me?