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Please pay attention to back up the tablet data before flashing, beware of data loss due to errors. FAQs
Product Model : T811M T811MA
File size : 1.92GB
Downloads : 95668
Update log:
The old version firmwares:
I cant find the auth file in after adding XML File.
.auth 파일은 어떻게 찾나요?
SP_Flash_Tool_V6_Win.rar use this spflashtool
20240102 update?
What has this updated version modified?
pleas live wallpaper surpport
Will it get Android 14?
Will it geht Android 14
tried flashing all the versions, but the tablet just keeps restarting over and over again with the “Alldocube” logo. tried to reset to factory setting also not avail. pls help!
did u earase all data before flash?
Check which slot you are in, may be you are in slot b and spflash tool is flashing to slot a, search Google how to check and change your active slot
Avoid 20231201 at all cost. It broke browsers for some reason. Image not loading properly. Tested with Firefox, Chrome, DuckDuckGo and Kiwi
Hi Khair, Opera works perfect
were you able to solve it?
Can Widevine L1 be added to the iPlay 50 Mini Pro via a system update?
Installed the new version IPlay50_mini-Pro_v1.0_20231201 and I noticed that Chrome sometimes no longer displays texts but only images, the problem occurs randoml
Spreadtrum Upgrade Tool R27 을 사용한다는 말인가요? 그렇다면 여기에 사용할 pac파일은 어떻게 얻을수있나요?