



System update


iPlay 50 mini Pro

iPlay 50 mini Pro


System Firmware

Recommended Applications

Please pay attention to back up the tablet data before flashing, beware of data loss due to errors. FAQs


Product Model : T811M T811MA

File size : 1.92GB

Downloads : 95935


To be opened

All Comments (94 comments)

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  • 没有梯子的下载链接:

    https://cloud.189.cn/t/iYzE3eFZruUb (访问码:u904)

  • Gabriel

    Please widevine L1 and face unlock

  • yakgay

    There is a bug that does not turn off the left gesture even if the 3 button function is activated.. So, it is very inconvenient to use because of a bug that runs backward twice when using it in gesture mode.

  • tunster

    OTA upgrade killed the Memory Expansion function. Enabling / Disabling is good. Changing the size will quit the app.


    Feature Request:
    1. Change the screen density so Google Play and Wechat shall recognize the device as a tablet instead of a phone
    2. Adding double tab to wake

  • Ales

    After OTA upgrade to V1.0_20230927 the left swipe gesture is not working as intended. Instead of going back once, it is going two steps back. So instead of going back to the previous page on the same tab in a browser, it closes the tab, or if you were opening links in the same tab, left swipe means going back two previously opened pages.

  • ksmkuua

    Enabling 3-button navigation does not disable gesture navigation.
    Even if you disable it through adb, the go back command is still performed by swiping the left screen edge, so please correct it.

  • ksmkuua

    bug fix request


    Enabling 3-button navigation does not disable gesture navigation.
    Even if you disable it through adb, the go back command is still performed by swiping the left screen edge, so please correct it.

  • natto

    bug fix request

    Fix hardware MAC address changes after each reboot
    Fix Chrome Incognit mode unusable


    Feature request:

    Widevine L1

    Double tap to wake

    Automatic brightness


    Please add L1 widevine <3

    double tap to lock unlock <3

    there is no brightness sensor ? no way to add automatic brightness ?

    these are the 3 things we need the most on this device .. then i am sure you can sell at least a million unit !

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