



System update


iPlay 50 mini Pro

iPlay 50 mini Pro


System Firmware

Recommended Applications

Please pay attention to back up the tablet data before flashing, beware of data loss due to errors. FAQs


Product Model : T811M T811MA

File size : 1.92GB

Downloads : 87294


To be opened

All Comments (91 comments)


  • Alan

    Also having problems with touchscreen not responding got so bad I’ve put the iplay mini pro to one side as it’s unusable ….has anyone downloaded old version of firmware to see if it cures the problem ?

    I’ve have a alldocube 40 large screen  it’s been good no problems for 2+ years so bought alldocube iplay50 pro  …but if I don’t get it fixed ie:-  (if alldocube don’t  help to solve it’s common problem of touchscreen locking up all the time ) then I’ve finished buying this brand of tablet !.

    1. tosayuki reply to Alan

      I took this apart. I removed the LCD flat cable and reattached it. I used polyimide tape to insulate the area around the flat cable and connector. As a result, this problem is not occurring.

  • Alvis Wong

    Sometime the Touch screen not work and need to switch off the Mon to resume.

    1. Angel reply to Alvis Wong

      Same here, did you sole the problem?

      1. Kim reply to Angel

        나도 그래. 한동안 중단되었다가 점점 더 악화되고 있습니다. 알도큐브 본사는 수정된 패치 파일에 대해 가능한 한 빨리 조치를 취해야 합니다.

      2. David K reply to Angel

        나도 그래. 한동안 중단되었다가 점점 더 악화되고 있습니다. 알도큐브 본사는 수정된 패치 파일에 대해 가능한 한 빨리 조치를 취해야 합니다.

  • Alvis Wong

    Sometime Touch screen freeze and need to switch off the Mon to resume

  • Miga

    Live wallpaper cannot work


  • jw

    After this 0517 update, there is a problem with Wi-Fi connection when activating Bluetooth. After repeated testing, it appears that Bluetooth and Wi-Fi are conflicting with each other.

    1. arai reply to jw


      Interesting. Didn’t happen this inconvenience to me.

      Wouldn’t it improve if you downgraded to a previous version?

      1. AW reply to arai

        Hi arai,
        Do you have problem with the screen after updating to 20240517?
        Some users complained about the hard touch (frozen screen).

  • Fabio Arai


    When will full ROM “iPlay50_mini_Pro_V1.0_20240517” be available?

    I’ve tried updating via OTA several times on different occasions, but it doesn’t install despite asking to REBOOT after an “installation process” of almost half an hour.

  • 为什么没有SPFlashToolV6这个软件?

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